Click Here for a Mortgage Broker Overview
A Loan Officer is a person that is employed by and renders origination services for a single mortgage Lender and represents that Lender.
A Mortgage Broker is a person (other than an employee of a lender) that renders origination services and serves as an intermediary
between a borrower and a lender. Basically I am independant of any Lender and can shop Lenders for the mortgage that best fits the borrower's needs.
As your Mortgage Broker, I work for YOU, the Borrower. Here’s what that means: As your Mortgage Broker, I act as your Mortgage Concierge.
I manage all the loan details so you don’t have too. As I have mentioned before, I shop around to get you the best rate and terms that
fit your budget and financial goals. I also coordinate with the Real Estate Agents, Title Company, Lenders, Appraisers, Insurance Companies,
Home Owners/Condo Associations, other Mortgage companies and additional stakeholders, depending on the scenario. I will need information
from every one of these folks in order to originate your loan. Everyone has a part to play, and I am required by law to document, itemize,
and DISCLOSE to you, the costs associated with all entities involved. There will be no surprises at the closing table. In addition to
documenting, itemizing and disclosing all costs, I also coordinate with everyone involved to ensure all loan details are complete in order
for us to meet our deadlines and close on-time.
The average person will own three homes in their lifetime. That means the average person is not familiar with the process of buying and
selling real estate, and obtaining a mortgage that coincides with that real estate transaction. Spending time with my Borrowers to explain
the overall process, our current status in the process, and our next steps in the process is critically important. As a Borrower, if you are
well-informed and comfortable in the process, then your stress level stays low. I work to ensure the closing process is smooth and without
surprises, and that you are happy throughout the entire transaction.
How much does it cost? I am paid by the Lender. I don’t charge any broker fees or a commission to the Borrower except in very
rare cases, too rare to discuss here. I am not marking up any costs associated with a particular service, nor am I charging any “junk fees”
to make more money. By law, any costs associated with the loan must be for actual services performed.
There you have it, the Big Picture. I hope this sheds some light on what I provide as your Mortgage Broker, and my commitment to YOU throughout
the process.